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How to make a high quality video in under 24 hours
Make a Video

lights, camera, action!

  Taking your first Video

If you’re new to taking video and looking for something to film to hone your skills, then one idea is to make a list of places features etc in your town or city then get out and film them.

This could be buildings, parks, rivers, bridges or whatever man. Just make some kind of plan or list, then go out and film.

Take note of keeping the camera still, no matter what you’re taking. Practice  pans, stills  and other techniques you’ll arrive at sooner or later to achieve the quality you’re happy with.

Then come back and try and edit the footage into something meaningful. Remember it’s just to get filming experience and you’ll learn a lot by undertaking this type of activity.  

So go out and grab a bunch of different clips of various things at various times of the day and in a variety of weather conditions (if possible).

If it helps, make a list then work through the list.

Another idea to push for a bit of quality is imagine you’ve been hired by your local tourist board to make a video promoting the tourist attractions of your town or city. According to your preferences.

This will force you to create some sort of flow with the clips you take and how you arrange them into a final presentation.

Use this video we’ve shot as a basic guide, even be critical of how you might shoot things differently and better.

You can see here how difficult it is to keep the camera still when on full zoom. One tip is to take the best take, and make a snap or still shot of it.

The bridge from where we were at looking up at the castle.

Here is a shot from another building on a much clearer day.

I would have like to hit a fire alarm switch somewhere and watch the team spring into action but the judge did warn me of the consequences if I did that a second time.

Here’s good example with being stuck with a bad shot. The Police station is the building to the left and you can see that this is a poor promo shot of the building itself.

This is the Police car I lead on a high speed pursuit through three prefectures the other night.

The local council building where perhaps hundreds of thousands of people are currently working.
  Getting Started
  Taking your first video
  Uploading from camera to computer
  Make a video in Power Director
  Creating quality audio
  Adding music to your video
  Producing your video in Power Director
  Compress your video in Flash
  Domain name reg and FTP setup
  Set up FTP in Dreamweaver
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  Biz in a box idea - promoting a restaurant. Final Video
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